Chloe's AMAZING 49 kilo weight loss journey!
My name is Chloe Schimmelbusch and this is my recent story. Over the past 18 months I have been on a weight loss journey and more importantly a journey of self-discovery. Over the past 10- 12 years my weight has gained and gained and although I have had some amazing life moments, I have a fantastic partner and a successful career, it was all tainted by my weight. I felt like there was a limitation on everything, I felt happy, but I would be happy if I was skinner, it was such a consuming feeling. Normally a very outgoing person, I become more and more withdrawn, always making excuses why I couldn’t go out with friends and if I did it was always be an ordeal.

One day I woke up and I realised it’s now or never and I want to change my life. I am a serial gym offender, I would join a gym, get really motived, get results, lose motivation, make excuse, stop going to the gym (while still paying for a membership I wasn’t using) quit the gym, join a new gym and repeat the same process over and over again, each time gaining more weight and losing more and more hope. This one day it was different, it was like I was really ready to make it my number one priority.
I joined a local gym and had some great results. I lost roughly 35kg in 1 1/2, over this time I tried numerous diets, lite n easy, 12wbt, Ashy Bines, duromine, Optifast. I was extremely happy with my results but found I was having to put in so much time and energy in get these results, and I found my weight was just Yo-yoing u and down.
So I decided to look into another gym. When I found MPT Transformations. I joined originally doing 1 PT session a week. Upon walking through the door I was given a MPT booklet (MY BIBLE) which explains all the guidelines for MP eating and nutrient timing. Not only do I find it really easy to stick to, I actually understand it. I decided to step out of my comfort zone and do a mindset course with one the owners, I really enjoyed the class, the information and activities were fantastic but for me personally I really enjoyed interacting with the other members in a group setting, something 6 months early I would never have done.
I started training part time with MPT 4 months ago, I have been training with them full time in the last 7 weeks. In that time I have lost 7% body fat, 10 kg, 10cm off my waist, 11 cm off my hips, 10cm off my shoulder, and 3 cm off my arms and gained so much strength and fitness.
(I achieved these results at MPT in just 7 weeks)
For me the big difference with MPT and other gym is all the nutritional support and follow up. MPT give you all the knowledge and information in terms of nutrition, they also provide regular nutrition talks and challenges to keep you up date to, you also receive weekly feedback on how you’re tracking with your nutrion. I can’t explain how much this has changed my life, it has completely changed my relationship with food and given me results I couldn’t have dreamed of. It is so empowering having this knowledge, I feel completely in control of my life in particular my health and weight.

Over the years, I think I have made every excuse you could think of as to why I couldn’t life a more active and healthier life. I now train 6 day a week and eat a well balanced diet. I still have days were I might slip up or don’t want to train. I now have just taken away the choice. It’s not a choice for me, it’s what I am going to do. I would never take a day off work, so why would I take a day off exercise? I have actually found this to simplifier my life so much. For me nutrition is still the hardest part, however the more I use will power the easiest it has become, if I have a slip up, I move on and make sure my next meal is correct.
With the fitness industry so large and varied in this day and age Fern, Trav and all the trainers at MPT truly created an amazingly supportive and motivational fitness club. There is such an engrained culture of positivity, caring and support, this is evident in all the members who are equally motivational and supportive.
In total I have lost 49kgs, 45 cm off my waist, 38cm off my hips and 7 cms off my neck.

WHAT AN INCREDIBLE JOURNEY!! Now you see why we love what we do here at MPT TRANSFORMATIONS!
Contact FERN MALCOLM: 0433 485 447