Why you need to get Away for the Weekend
The world we live in is busier than it has ever been, with all of us seemingly doing more than we ever believed we could in every coming day, week and year. With such busy lifestyles, something has to give, and invariably it is our health.
Why? Because it seems to be the easiest thing for us to put on the backburner. You can’t skip work, you can’t skip out on your loved ones and you can’t abandon your responsibilities, so our health is usually the first thing that we push to the side, and assure ourselves that when we aren’t busy we will come back to it. However, for many that day never comes. We continue to get busier and busier, and ultimately unhealthier each year. We put on weight, we age and we feel less dynamic, and often less important.
So, why do we suggest you get away for the weekend?

- Recharge your batteries and find YOU: Being busy creates a vacuum, and often times the most unselfish of people will put their own needs and wants last. By doing this, you subconsciously push yourself further and further away from the physical and spiritual version of yourself that you deserve to be. Getting away from it all for a day or two helps you assess where you are by stepping out of the vacuum that is your everyday life and looking in at the things that you need to change in order to create the most dynamic version of yourself.
- Find your motivation: Sounds funny, doesn’t it? Go away to figure out what you truly want. However, this is effective. Every successful person, from Richard Branson to Tony Robbins, speaks about taking a step back to see in. By taking a step back you can allow yourself to look in on and target the things you want in life and work toward them, rather than pushing your health and your goals away. Many people find their “why” when they take a step back and look at their lifestyle.
- DeSTRESS: Stress is one of the top culprits that leads to ill health. It elevates blood pressure, destroys muscle and slows the metabolism. Getting away helps the body reset its hormonal profile and elevates your mood. By removing yourself physically from the things that cause you stress, that stress ceases to be. By getting away you can literally absolve yourself of stress and just focus on some you time.
- Reward yourself: Many people don’t stop and reward themselves. They bust their butt every single day and when the weekend comes they eat like crap and start the whole thing over again on Monday. What this leads to is more stress and little reward. By going away you allow yourself to work toward something and get that brief chance to exhale and assess and appreciate all of the hard work that you do.
- Get around likeminded people: Being around likeminded people is the best way to enjoy you. These people share the same interests and can help you enjoy life more. They can also help you to elevate your life and your behaviour. We often are surrounded by people not of our choosing, be it at work, extended family etc. However, when you are around people you genuinely enjoy being around conversations seem to flow, support is given and received and stress levels are lowered.

As you know our MPT ROWVILLE open day is less than 2 weeks away... We would LOVE for you to share the details of our 28 day challenge which will be starting on the 24th October in Rowville!
If you know of any people who live/work in the Rowville area then we would love to have them in our club and help them achieve some great results like we have with thousands of people before them.
So, how can you be in the chance to come away with us FOR FREE?
Simply share our 28 Day Challenge Page and every person you can refer to either club will see you go in the draw to win a FREE TRIP to our Mornington Peninsula Retreat on the 18-20th November.
PLUS as a special offer, we are also offering 1 free semi PT session for every friend you can refer that completes the challenge with us. There are NO LIMITS on the number of people- the more the merrier, and the more semi PT’s you can get for free.
Just copy this link on your public FB page and keep us posted if any of your friends register! The below link is for Rowville only, so please make sure you let your FB friends know this.
Have a great day,
MPT Transformations